The Dr. Paul Mahany Family Scholarships

This scholarship has been created in memory of Kathryn Mahany Kerrigan, who grew up in Albion. Her father, Dr. Paul Mahany, died when Kathryn was only 3 years old, and it was the Albion community that stepped in to help her mother raise Kathryn and her brother Paul. With scholarship assistance from the community, Kathryn went on to become a nurse practitioner and nurse mid-wife, with an additional degree in public health. She spent her life helping under-served women and children in areas of greatest need, from New York to California. It was her wish to return in some measure the kindness and support that she received when she was growing up in Albion. These scholarships are awarded to seniors based on academic achievement and financial need. Preference will be given to students who are pursuing further education in nursing and other service-oriented professions. We award four or more scholarships at $3,000 each for a total of $12,000. 

Selection Criteria: Academic achievement and need. A nursing, health care, or other service-oriented career.

Who Selects: Selection committee

Criteria to Earn: Successful completion of one year of college (24 credit hours with a 3.0 GPA or higher)

First awarded in 2012.

Funding: Funded annually. The number and amount of scholarships may vary from year to year.