Lead is very resistant to corrosion and relatively abundant and cheap, so it was
used from antiquity in lead pipes, drains and acid-bearing
containers. It is strengthed by the addition of antimony
and other metals. Alloys of lead include
solder, printer's type metal, cable covering, and
anti-friction metals. Large amounts of lead and lead oxide are used in the
manufacture of batteries. Lead
is a good sound and vibration absorber and a radiation shield for X-ray equipment
and nuclear reactors. Lead oxide is used in
"crystal glass" for its beauty and in "flint glass" with a high index of refraction for achromatic
White lead, PbCO3, sublimed white
lead, PbSO4, chrome yellow,
PbCrO4, red lead,
Pb3O4, and other lead compounds
were extensively used in paints, but these compounds and lead anti-knock
gasoline, have been eliminated because of
their deleterious health and environmental effects.
Lide 4-16
Lead is an ancient metal. It is obtained mainly from
galena, PbS, by roasting. Other ores are
anglesite, PbSO4 and
cerussite, PbCO3.
Lide 4-16