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Vitamins are compounds that catalyze or participate in the synthesis of body molecules or metabolic reactions. Some vitamins are required by all animals. They are organic molecules normally located in the body (Vitamin D is the exception) and obtained naturally from sources outside the body or produced in it in inadequate amounts that are essential for normal life and growth. Vitamin molecules come in the dextro- (right-handed) and levo- (left-handed) isomers. The body can only use the levo- form. In addition to natural vitamins, synthesized vitamins are manufactured in large quantities and are absolutely the same as natural vitamins. They are extremely cheap (see unit costs) because they obviate the need to extract vitamins from plant and animal sources. Other organic molecules are essential to human life and growth, e.g., choline and inositol, but are not considered vitamins because they are produced in sufficient amounts without deficiencies. Other so-called "vitamins" popular with fadists, e.g., laetrile and pangamic acid, are not recognized by scientists as having any known benefit to humans. Vitamins contain no energy. They are some of the materials usually, but not necessarily, included in what most people call food. Fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) are absorbed through the intestines into the body with the aid of fats and liver bile. Therefore, they can be taken irregularly, say, every few days, and not daily. These vitamins can accumulate to toxic levels, so excessive intake can be dangerous. Water-soluble vitamins (8 B and C) are not absorbed by the body to any significant degree. They leave the body soon in urine and sweat, so they must be taken daily. These vitamins are fragile and are destroyed or washed away by cooking, storage or processing. The vitamin content of food varies considerably with conditions under which the food was grown and processed. Brody 157 The 13 vitamins listed below are required by humans: Vitamin A comes in two forms: preformed vitamin A or retinol is found in foods of animal origin. provitamin A or carotene is found in foods of both animal and plant origin. Retinol is absorbed quickly, but carotene is converted in the body into a retinol-like vitamin A before it can be absorbed. Sources of retinol: liver, fish-liver oil. Sources of carotene: yellow and dark green fruits and vegetables, cheese, butter, fortified margarine. Vitamin A aids healthy hair, skin, and mucuous membranes; ability to see in dim light, promotes bone growth, tooth development, reproduction; assists in treating eye disorders, resists acne, respiratory infections, promotes bone growth. A deficiency results in night blindness, rough skin and mucuous membranes, infection of mucuous membrances, drying of eyes, slow bone and tooth enamel growth. Brody 159, Netzer 695 Since rice is deficient in carotene, eating rice as a staple results in vitamin A deficiency. Researchers have developed a vitamin A rice ("golden rice") that is expected to reduce this deficiency in rice eaters. Note: The missing sub-numerals in the B-complex vitamins listed below indicate that some discovered molecules were thought erroneously to be B-vitamins. Vitamin B1 helps release energy from carbohydrates, maintains muscles, nerves, and heart. Sources: pork, especially ham, liver, oysters, whole-grain and enriched cereals, pasta, bread, wheat germ, oatmeal, peas, lima beans. A deficiency results in beriberi disease: mental confusion, muscle weakness, heart swelling, leg cramps. Brody 161, Netzer 696 Vitamin B2 helps release energy from carbohydrates, fats and proteins, helps maintain mucouis membranes, good vision, skin, hair and nails. Sources: Liver and other organ meats, poultry, milk, eggs, brewer's yeast, whole grains, enriched bread, cereal and pasta, almonds, dried beans and peas, dark green vegetables, mushrooms. A deficiency results in skin disorders, especially around the nose and lips, cracks at corners of mouth, sensitivity of eyes to light. Brody 161, Netzer 697 Vitamin B3 assists B1 (thiamin) and B2 (riboflavin) produce cell energy, promotes a healthy nervous and digestive system, maintains healthy skin and hair, aids blood circulation, assists in the breakdown of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Sources: liver, poultry, meat, tuna, eggs, whole-grain and enriched cereals, pasta, bread, nuts, dried peas and beans. A deficiency results in pellagra: skin disorders, especially on body parts exposed to sun, diarrhea, mental confusion, irritability, mouth swelling, smooth tongue. Brody 161, Netzer 697 Vitamin B5 aids in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, aids the formation of hormones, cell building, healing, and nerve-regulating substances. Sources: all plant and animal foods, especially liver, kidneys, whole-grain cereal and bread, nuts, eggs, dark-green vegetables. An experimental deficiency results in abdominal cramps, vomiting, fatigue, sleeplessness, tingling hands and feet. Brody 163, Netzer 697 Vitamin B6 aids in the absorption and metabolism of proteins and fats, aids in the formation of red blood cells, regulation of body fluids and nervous system, alleviates nausea. Sources: whole-grain, non-enriched cereals and bread, liver, avocados, spinach, green beans, bananas, fish, poultry, meat, nuts, potatoes, green leafy vegetables, cantaloupe. A deficiency results in skin disorders, cracks at corners of mouth, smooth tongue, convulsions, dizziness, nausea, anemia, kidney stones. Brody 162, Netzer 698 Biotin aids in the formation of fatty acids, helps to release carbohydrate energy. Sources: egg yolk, liver, kidneys, dark-green vegetables, green beans. A deficiency results in experimental loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, pallor, depression, fatigue, muscle pain.Brody 163 Folacin acts with B12 to synthesize genetic material, aids in the formation of hemoglobin and all cells, helps maintain a healthy nervous system and mental health. Sources: liver, kidneys, dark-green leafy vegetables, wheat germ, dried peas and beans, brewer's yeast, broccoli, carrots, asparagus. A deficiency results in megaloblastic anemia: enlarged red blood cells, smooth tongue, diarrhea. Brody 163, Netzer 698 Viamin B12 aids in the formation of red blood cells and in the building of genetic material, helps functioning of nervous system, alleviates irritability and increases energy. Sources: animal foods, such as liver, kidneys, meat, fish, eggs, milk, oysters, nutritional yeast. A deficiency results in pernicious anemia: anemia, pale skin and mucous membranes, numbness and tingling in fingers and toes, loss of balance and weakness and pain in the arms and legs. Brody 162, Netzer 698 Vitamin C aids in the formation of collagen and red blood cells, helps maintain capillaries, bones, teeth and gums, helps protect other vitamins from oxidation, helps the absorption of iron, promotes healing. Sources: citrus fruits, tomatoes, strawberries, melon, green peppers, potatoes, dark-green vegetables, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, fresh fruits and vegetables. A deficiency results in scurvy: bleeding gums, degenerating muscles, wound that won't heal, loose teeth, brown, dry, rough skin, weight and appetite loss, irritability. Brody 164, Netzer 699 Vitamin D aids in the formation and maintenance of bones and teeth, assists in the absorption and use of calcium and phosphorus, helps in maintaining the nervous system, heart action and blood clotting. Sources: exposure to sunlight, fortified milk, egg yolk, liver, tuna, salmon, cod liver oil. A deficiency results in rickets: stunted bone growth, bowed legs, protruding abdomen, osteomalacia (softening of bones). Brody 159, Netzer 699 Milk was fortified with vitamin D in the 1930s to assure that children obtained enough of it to sustain normal growth. Vitamin D fortified foods are important to people who are exposed to sufficient sunlight, e.g., institutionalized persons. Vitamin E aids in the formation of red blood cells, muscles and other tissues, protects vitamin A and essential fatty acids from oxidation, supplies oxygen to the body. Sources: vegetable oils, margarine, wheat germ, whole-grain cereals and bread, liver, dried beans, green leafy vegetables. Deficiencies are rare in people. Brody 160, Netzer 700 Vitamin K aids in the synthesis of substances needs for blood clotting, helps to maintain bone metabolism, prevents internal bleeding, aids liver functioning. Sources: dark green leafy vegetables, cabbage, cauliflower, peas, potatoes, liver, cereals, kelp, Brussels sprouts, fish liver oils. A deficiency results in hemorrhage, especially in newborn infants. Brody 160, Netzer 700 Vitamin K is produced by bacteria in the intestines and is extremely rare, unless the intestines are damaged. The story of vitamins begins with nutrient (dietary) deficiencies. The long sea voyages of discovery in the 15th to 18th centuryies were accompanied by the highly debilitating sailor's disease, called scurvy, which was frequent in anyone (e.g., prisoners, institutionalized patients) with a diet without fruits and vegetables, foods that were perishable and not easily obtained in an age without refrigeration or canning. James Lind, a British physician, began the experiment of adding foods that were absent from the diets of scurvy patients and in 1747 he found that citrus fruits worked well in preventing this disease. They also had the advantage of keeping well for longer periods of time compared to other fruits and vegetables. Asimov 233 In 1753, Lind published a treatise on scurvy, but it took 40 years for the British navy to adopt his remedy. In Lind's time, no one knew anything about the vitamins, the ingredients of foods that prevented dietary deficiencies, but his discovery began the search for more nutritious foods that ultimately led to the discovery of vitamins. The Dutch physician, Christiaan Eijkman, worked in the Dutch East Indies and studied the beriberi disease prevalent in that region. In 1896, he noticed that chickens periodically fed on polished rice (rice with the hulls removed), the ordinary human food in the region, developed the disease, which ceased when the chickens were fed their commercial chicken feed. Thus, beriberi was caused by a regular diet of polished rice. Asimov 463 This discovery led to the introduction of eating whole ground rice and alternate foods. It also led to more interest and chemical research to discover the specific ingredients in foods that prevented dietary deficiencies. In 1905, Dr. William Fletcher, a British physician working with asylum inmates in Kuala Lumpur, showed that nearly 25 percent of those who received polished rice developed beriberi, while fewer than 2 percent of the 123 patients who received unpolished rice fell victim to beriberi, further confirming the work of Eijkman. In 1906, Frederick Gowland Hopkins, a British biochemist, theorized that beriberi and rickets were diseases caused by unknown trace substances in foods. Asimov 463 His lecture led to further research on the elusive substances later identified as vitamins. Polish-born Casimir Funk, eventually a U.S. citizen, supported Hopkins' theory that beriberi, scurvy, pellagra, and rickets were caused by the absence of some food substance. In 1912, while working at the Lister Institute in London, he isolated the active substances in rice husks of the unpolished rice that were preventing beriberi and named them "vitamines" (vital amines), erroneously believing them to belong to the chemical amine group. In 1913, the American biochemist, Elmer Verner McCollum, discovered a fat-soluble substance that he called vitamin A and distinguished it from a water-soluble substance that he called vitamin B Asimov 544 (later determined to be a complex of several vitamins, for example, vitamin B1). At about the same time, two American chemists, Thomas Osborne and Lafayette Mendel, independently identified vitamin A. In 1920, George Hoyt Whipple, an American pathologist, induced artificial anemia, a disease in which the blood performs with reduced efficiency, in experimental dogs. By subjecting the dogs to various diets, he found that liver corrected the disease most effectively. Asimov 544 (In 1920, the "e" in "vitamines" was dropped to become "vitamins" when it became clear to biochemists that not all vitamins belonged to the amine chemical group.) In 1921, Edward Mellanby, a British biochemist, discovered a rickets-inhibiting substance he found in animal fats, such cod-liver oil, butter and fat. He called it vitamin D. Around the same time, other researchers found that sunshine inhibited rickets, so it was inferred that sunlight affected unknown substances in the body. Asimov 546 In 1922, Herbert McLean Evans, an American anatomist, and Catherine Bishop, discovered the vitamin that later became known as vitamin E. Asimov 549 In 1924, Harry Steenbock, an American biochemist, following the discovery by Mellanby (see 1921) that sunlight produced vitamin D, proved that food exposed to sunlight produced vitamin D in the food. This discovery resulted in irradiated food production. Asimov 556 In 1926, George Richards Minot and William Parry Murphy, knowing the results of Whipple (see 1920) and having used liver to treat pernicious anemia, concluded that there was a vitamin in liver. Asimov 562 In 1926, D. T. Smith, E. G. Hendrick discovered vitamin B2. In 1930, the Swiss chemist, Paul Karrer, showed that vitamin A was related to the the carotenoids, the most famous being carotene, the substance that gives carrots their color. Karrer eventually synthesized it, which led to the rapid discovery and synthesis of other vitamins. Asimov 577 In 1932, Charles Glen King, an American biochemist, isolated vitamin C. Two weeks after King announced his results, the Hungarian-born American biochemist, Albert von Nagyrapolt Szent-Györgyi, reported that his hexuronic acid, discovered in 1928, was vitamin C. Asimov 586 In 1933, Tadeus Reichstein, a Polist-born Swiss chemist, synthesized vitamin C, the first vitamin to be synthesized. It was independently synthesized by the British chemist, Walter Norman Haworth shortly thereafter and he gave the vitamin the name, ascorbic acid. Asimov 588 In 1933, the molecular structure of vitamin A was identified and Lucy Wills discovered folacin (folic acid). In 1934, Peter Henrik Dam, a Danish biochemist, discovered vitamin K. Asimov 610 In 1935, Paul Karrer (see 1930) synthesized vitamin B2, riboflavin. Asimov 595 In 1936, Robert Runnels Williams, an American chemist, isolated vitamin B1, thiamine, and Casimir Funk determined its molecular structure and method of synthesizing it. Asimov 598 In 1937, Conrad Elvehjem, an American biochemist, discovered vitamin B3, niacin. Asimov 602 In 1938, Paul Karrer (see 1930, 1935), synthesized vitamin E. Asimov 605 In 1939, Edward Adelbert Doisy, an American biochemist, synthesized vitamin K. Asimov 610 Biotin (B7) was discovered in 1942 by the American biochemist, Vincent du Vigneaud, who called it vitamin H at the time. Asimov 620 In 1947, vitamin A was synthesized. In 1948, knowing of the results of Minot and Murphy (see 1926), Karl August Folkers, an American chemist, discovered vitamin B12. This vitamin allowed treatment of pernicious anemia without using a concentrated liver diet. Asimov 641 In 1955, Dorothy Mary Crowfoot Hodgkin, a British physicist, determined the chemical structure of vitamin B12, cyanobalamin, using X-ray diffraction and a computer, the first time used to solve a biochemical problem. Asimov 671 In 1972, Robert Burns Woodward, an American chemist, synthesized vitamin B12. Asimov 716 |
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