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Radio and Television


To 1880


In 1887, Heinrich Hertz, a German, demonstrated the existence of radio waves. How 352


In 1890, Nikola Tesla invents a high-frequency electric generator used to generate radio waves.   This is the beginning of radio transmission.

In 1891, Thomas Edison received a patent for a radio that transmits signals using radio waves. Schles 373

In 1894, Sir Oliver Lodge, an Englishman, demonstrated radio wave transmission over several hundred yards. How 352

In 1896, Guglielmo Marconi, an Italian, demonstrated radio wave transmission over 1 1/4 miles in southwestern England. How 352


In 1901, Marconi sends a radio message across the Atlantic Ocean from Cornwall to Newfoundland, a distance of about 2,000 miles. How 352

In 1906, a transatlantic radio transmission was sent from Manhattan Beach, NY, to Ireland under the direction of Lee De Forest, a distance of about 2,500 miles.   This year, De Forest also invented the triode tube, important to radio operation. Carruth 403   In this same year in Christmas Eve, the first American radio program was broadcast from an experimental station at Brant Rock, MA. How 352

In 1909, the first radio transmission from New York City to Chicago was made. Carruth 413



In 1921, Marconi transmits from Marconi House in London with the callsign 2LO, which soon became famous. How 352

By 1922, there were 564 American radio stations in the U.S. How 352

In 1926, J. L. Baird of Scotland produced a homemade black-and-white 30-line television of a human face.   He used a patent issued in 1884. How 354

In 1927, the first national radio beacon for air control was announced.   The beacon automatically tells the pilot whether or not the plane is on course. Carruth 467

In 1927, television was first demonstrated in New York City. Carruth 467


During the 1930s, there were about 12 experimental TV stations broadcasting in the U.S.   These had no commercial advertisements. How 354


At the end of World War II, there were 12 VHF TV stations and by 1948, there were 20. How 354



By the early 1960s, there were at least 10,000 radio stations around the world. How 353

In 1972, the Telstar 2 satellite was launched that provided TV pictures to be trasmitted between Europe and America.   This was the second satellite in orbit. How 354




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