9-14 22-18The opening 9-14, called the Double Corner, is considered Black's second strongest opening. Unlike 11-15, which opens from his single corner, Black exits from his slightly more vulnerable double corner, but towards the preferred board center. However, in spite of its favorable reputation, this opening is not used much by either experts or amateurs. White obtains immediate equality with the reply 22-18. 22-17 is another good reply, while others are slightly inferior. Note that 9-14 22-18, 11-16 18-9 is identical to 11-16 22-18, 9-14 18-9. Note that 9-14 22-18, 14-17 21-14 -> 25-21 is identical to 9-13 22-18, 13-17 21-14 -> 25-21. |