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English Opening

(with Black's replies against it)

Move White Black Notes
01 c4 Nf6 A noncommital waiting move that provides flexibility to meet whatever White plays next. The most frequent Black reply.
e5 Attacks center and frees Q and KB. A main reply.
e6 Prepares for Queen Gambit and frees Q and KB. A main reply.
c5 Attacks the center and frees Q. A main reply.
g6 Prepares for an Indian or Modern Defense with KB fianchetto. A secondary reply, but often used later.
c6 Prepares for Queen Gambit and frees Q. A secondary reply.
f5 Prepares for a Dutch-type defense, but weakens K-side castle. Rarely used on the first move, but occasionally used later.
b6 Prepares for QB fianchetto, but fails to control the center. Rarely used on the first move, but often used later.
d6 Frees QB, but allows White to control center. Rarely used on the first move, but occasionally used later.
Nc6 Develops QN and attacks center, but nothing else. Rarely used.
Other All other Black moves are aimless and rarely seen. White establishes center control easily with d4, except that b5 is answered by cxb5.

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